Tag - dreamweaver

8 Reasons why Sublime editor is awesome
Dark Dreamweaver Theme

8 Reasons why Sublime editor is awesome

After using many PHP/HTML/CSS/JS code editors and IDE’s over the past decade or so (Eclipse, Komodo, Notepad++, Dreamweaver, Netbeans etc etc), I’m super chuffed that I have finally discovered one which doesn’t drive me round the bend for one reason or another. Sublime text editor is awesome. And I don’t use that word lightly. Here’s […]

Dark Dreamweaver Theme

If, like me, you spend all day staring at a Dreamweaver code screen, you may have given thought to your eyesight and the steps you take to preserve it. After over 10 years of software development, I have finally taken it upon myself to set my IDE background to black. I have tried this a […]

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