Category - Internet Marketing

What is Search Engine Optimisation?
Hiring on Elance: How to get it right
Make Your Phone ‘Kerching’ When You Make A Sale

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

You can’t own or be involved with a website without coming across search engine optimisation (SEO) at some point or other. Every day I receive another email via a contact form on one of my websites offering SEO services from one of many firms in India. So what exactly is SEO? In order to to […]

Hiring on Elance: How to get it right

Like many other internet marketers, I like stuff done right. Nobody else can see inside my head, so I have always been guilty of trying to do everything myself. Copy writing, accounts, SEO, design, I’ve spent countless hours beavering away, sometimes quite inefficiently building links or designing logos. After a while I realised that I […]

Make Your Phone ‘Kerching’ When You Make A Sale

Being the egotistical git I am, I wanted my phone to make a ‘kerching’ sound each time I made an affiliate sale. Nothing beats dozing off on a lazy Sunday evening and hearing your cash register ring out. Here’s how I made it happen… First, you need to receive an email each time you make […]

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